Teach Abroad
Are you interested in sharing your language and culture with people all over the world? Through teaching English abroad you can share your knowledge of the English language and American culture with many eager students of all ages abroad. With English as one of the most spoken languages in the world, there is a high demand for English speakers in the global work force. Whether it is volunteering in a primary school in Quito or teaching at a language institute in Belgium, there is a demand for native English speakers to teach around the world. This opportunity can be a great way to immerse yourself into a new culture abroad, as well as a great way to gain some experience in the workforce abroad. If you become a certified teacher it is possible that you could find positions that offer you a small living stipend or salary, and may even cover your housing costs!

Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Most required credentials for teaching abroad is a bachelor’s degree and a work visa. In addition to being a native English speaker, it is sometimes required to also have a teaching certification. These certifications can be earned online or through a TEFL course. These courses are available through many different providers. This certification could be very beneficial in opening doors to jobs in Europe or other areas that require further education.
Common acronyms for teaching English programs are defined below:
- TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- EFL: English as a Foreign Language
- TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
If you find a program that requires a certification it would be advised to check the amount of hours that are built into the certification. Some positions require more hours of experience than others. Most programs offer 60-120 hours of certification. After you become certified you can start searching for programs, below are some programs listed (Note that not all programs require a certification):